Madison County is located 15 miles north of Asheville on the North Carolina/Tennessee border in the Smoky Mountains of Appalachia. There are many attractions in our 452 square mile area, of which 73 percent is forest. Nearly one fourth is public land managed by the US Forest Service.
- Total area: 288,800 acres
- Madison ranks number 53 in size among North Carolina’s 100 counties.
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Humidity 77
Wind Speed 7.8
Rainfall 45
Snowfall 18
Clear Days 102
Partly Cloudy Days 107
Cloudy Days 156
Precipitation Days 128
Stormy Days 49
Zero Degree Days 1
Freezing Days 106
Days Over 90 Degrees 5
Monthly Average Temperatures (°F)
Month High Low
Jan. 48.4 27.3
Feb. 50.6 28.2
Mar. 58.3 33.5
April 69.4 42.4
May 76.8 50.6
June 82.5 58.7
July 84.3 62.6
Aug. 83.8 61.8
Sept. 78.0 55.4
Oct. 69.1 44.5
Nov. 58.2 34.3
Dec. 49.3 28.1
Terrain is steep to gently rolling with elevations ranging from 1,250 feet to 5,152 feet. The lowest areas run along the French Broad River into Tennessee.
Mars Hill 2,325 ft.
Bald Mountain at Wolf Laurel 5,000 ft.
Marshall 1,650 ft.
Bluff Mountain 4,686 ft.
Hot Springs 1,330 ft.
Max Patch Mountain Top 4,629 ft.
Sandy Mush Bald Mountain 5,152 ft.
Average Precipitation
December + January + February 8.85 in.
March + April + May 10.58 in.
June + July + August 9.55 in.
September + October + November 8.34 in.
Total Annual Rainfall 37.32 in.