The tour will take place on Thursday, October 27 beginning at 2pm and lasting approximately 90 minutes. The barns on the tour are in the Mars Hill area.
Taylor Barnhill, our historian and tour guide, will take you out of the van and walk around two different properties — each of which have three barns on them — plus, you will hear about several more as you drive by. Thus, walking is included in this tour. Rain or shine. Cost is $30 per person.
This is a 12-passenger van. If there is enough interest, we may schedule another tour before the end of November. Then we will go on winter hiatus and start up again in April.
Please visit if you would like to sign up. We will then ask you to send a check for $30 a ticket to reserve the place to:
PO Box 1441
Mars Hill NC 28754
Thanks for your interest. If you have any questions, you can call Sandy Stevenson, 828 380-9146.