The Madison County Community and Economic Development Department and the Madison County Chamber of Commerce need your help to make Madison County a Work Ready Community.
It does not matter if you are a large company or that you may only have a few employees. By registering your business, you are assisting Madison County in learning how it can bring in more educational programs to properly train current and potential employees and to introduce those employees to employers in the County.
By participating in the ACT® Work Ready Communities initiative, counties can identify skill gaps and quantify the skill level of their workforce. This helps educators build career pathways aligned to the needs of business and industry — and it also helps a community stand out and be recognized for its workforce development efforts. A strong workforce is a tremendous economic development advantage.
We urge you to consider filling out the Employer Listing Registration Form, It only takes a couple of minutes but has an enormous impact towards helping Madison County become a Work Ready Community.
More information can be found at