A local state of emergency is in effect in Madison County. Due to the risk of spreading COVID-19, many events, classes, tours, and group meetings have been cancelled or postponed. Please visit www.madisoncountync.gov for the latest news for our area.
This page will include notices as we receive them.
Take steps to stay healthy!
We appreciate the service of our community Fire departments, community leaders, churches, and health care providers during this challenging public health crisis.
Madison County Alerts
Any Madison County resident may sign up for this free service. Alerts are sent to your home phone, cell phone, and email by Madison County Government and contain important public health and safety information. Sign up at hyper-reach.com/ncmadisonsignup.html
You may also check these sites:
- Asheville: www.ashevillechamber.org
- Buncombe County: www.buncombecounty.org
- Haywood County: www.haywoodchamber.com
- Yancey County: yanceycountync.gov
The county of Madison has declared a State of Emergency in response to the global spread of the Coronavirus. By and with the consent of the mayors of the municipalities within Madison County, this Declaration of Local State of Emergency applies within the municipal limits in the Town of Hot Springs, the Town of Marshall, and the Town of Mars Hill.
Madison County has set up a resource hotline, 649-0755, to address questions from residents about the coronavirus and connect them to resources. The hotline will run from 8 a.m-8 p.m.
The State of NC has established a comprehensive update page that you may access; it is ncdhhs.gov/coronavirus.
Madison County Government
Madison County Government has canceled all public gatherings in county buildings.
Extension and non-Extension related events including any event held at the Cooperative Extension Center will be postponed until further notice.
Some of our local collections centers may be closed temporally during scheduled business hours. The main Landfill will remain open.
All Madison County Nutrition Sites will be closed for congregate meals until further notice.
The 2020 Madison County Senior Games/Silver arts have been cancelled due to the COVID 19 outbreak. Please contact Chris Maney at (828) 649-3635 for further questions.
The Beech Glen Community Building will be temporarily closed due to the COVID 19 outbreak. Seniors will be allowed to come pick up a meal. Questions about anything related to the center can be directed to Chris Maney at (828) 649-3635 or (828) 206-3849.
If you have any questions or concerns please call the office at 828-649-2311. Visit www.madisoncountync.gov for more details.
Madison County Health Department
The Madison County Health Department has a web site with information, www.madisoncountyhealth.org.
Madison County Public Libraries
All three branches of the Madison County Public Library are now open to the public. Staff will be working on-site to provide the following services to our patrons:
– Issuing new library cards
– Curbside service for library materials
– Phone-in support for accessing digital materials
– Drive-up wifi from 7am to 7pm
– Phone-in reference and homework support, and
– Creating digital content to keep our patrons engaged with the library through our website and Facebook page.
The Hot Springs library offers curbside service from 10am to 1pm, Monday and Thursday.
Marshall and Mars Hill libraries offer curbside service from 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday.
For more details, visit www.madisoncountylibrary.net.
NC Cooperative Extension – Madison County
In response to the CoronaVirus pandemic, Madison County Government has issued a mandate to cancel all public gatherings in county buildings.
As a result of this decision, any meetings, parties, etc. at the Extension office have been cancelled and will be rescheduled. This mandate also covers ALL 4-H events, clubs, meetings, etc.
Please call 828-649-2411 with any questions.
Town of Hot Springs
Visit www.townofhotsprings.org for more news and information.
Town of Mars Hill
We are able to take payments by phone and we also have a drop box. Visit www.townofmarshill.org for notices.
Town of Marshall
Visit townofmarshall.org for the latest notices.
Welcome Center
The I-26 West North Carolina Welcome Center is closed until further notice.
A-B Tech
Until further notice, most A-B Tech classes, services, and operations have transitioned online.
Please visit www.abtech.edu/contact-us/coronavirus-response for more details.
Madison County Schools
We want to reassure parents that we are working daily on re-opening plans across our district. To date, following guidance from the CDC, we have purchased thermometers, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, masks, gowns and gloves to make sure our schools and staff are ready for re-opening. Please go to our website at www.madisonk12.net or our Facebook page and look at the Madison County Schools’ pathway to re-opening. There you will see our 3 Plans for re-opening schools, Governor Cooper will choose which re-opening Plan best meets the needs of North Carolina students on July 1. You will also find links to requirements and recommendations from the department of health and human services to safely re-open our schools.
We are hopeful that we can get back to school by August 17, our opening day, so that we can see our students again, begin the long road of building back lost instructional time, lost social emotional support, so we can share in social events and athletics and continue to move forward as a County. We know, as the great human rights leader Frederick Douglas said, it is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men and women. We believe that it is more important now than ever to be strong in our commitment to each other, to follow public health guidelines, and get back to school safely and as soon as possible.
More news and details available at www.madisonk12.net.
Mars Hill University
Mars Hill University has gone to virtual learning for the rest of the semester.
Remote learning will continue for the remainder of the spring semester. All dining locations on campus are currently closed.
Following guidance from the NCAA and the South Atlantic Conference, Mars Hill canceled the remainder of its spring athletics season.
Weizenblatt Gallery has suspending exhibitions. The annual Juried Student Show and Senior Exhibition are cancelled.
Latest updates may be found at www.mhu.edu/health-information.
Businesses & Organizations
Community Housing Coalition
Community Housing Coalition (CHC) of Madison County is taking applications for essential home repairs for residents of Madison County. 828-649-1200 and www.chcmadisoncountync.org/get-assistance
ReClaim Madison is also closed during this time and unable to pick-up donations or make deliveries. If you have questions, please call ReClaim Madison 828-649-0100 and leave a message.
The Depot
Friday nights at The Depot are cancelled. Organizers hope to feature local bluegrass, country, old time and gospel acts in the future.
Downtown Marshall
Information about Marshall businesses and available resources. Visit www.downtownmarshallnc.com.
Hot Springs Resort & Spa
Hot Springs Resort and Spa will be closed for all services and overnight stays until May 10th.
LegalShield Business Legal Solutions
David W. Jordan, CITRMS, CIPA, is available to help with Business or Personal legal questions. Identity Theft & Fraud reports are up 40%! Get help from a Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist. Call 828-606-6442. Visit LegalShield, jordan64.wearelegalshield.com
Mars Hill Retirement
At this time we are restricting ALL visitors to our community for the health and well being of our residents, with the exception of Medical personnel, staff, and caregivers. Thank you for understanding this sensitive matter. For any questions please call 828-689-7900.
NCWorks Career Center
The NCWorks Career Centers will be closed to the public/walk in customers. NCWorks Career Center staff will continue to report to work as normal. Employers and Job Seekers are welcome to call the NCWorks Career Centers during normal business hours from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Contact the NCWorks Career Center, Madison County, 828-782-2632.
Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre
We have canceled all performances at this time. Our box office will also be closed until further notice, but we are always available by email at sart@mhu.edu.
Zuma Cafe
We are able to take payment information over the phone and deliver your order to your car, without you needing to come in the building. We will have a server dedicated to to overseeing all of these takeout orders. While we will try and work with all staff to support them and offset wages lost due to these circumstances, tips are a significant component of server’s livelihood and your continued generosity is appreciated.
We will be working with faith communities and non-profits to contribute to local relief and support efforts. If you or anyone you know is in need of assistance reach out and let us know how we can help!
Updates are posted at www.facebook.com/zuma.coffee
Staying Healthy
The CDC recommends that organizers cancel or postpone in-person events. For more information, as well as posters, and other documents, please visit https://www.cdc.gov.
Older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing COVID-19.
Coronavirus Symptoms
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion or inability to arouse
- Bluish lips or face
The NC DHHS has a page full of information on the virus. Please visit www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/public-health/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-response-north-carolina.
Hot Springs Health Program
All of our health centers and pharmacies are open and following our regular operating schedules, and you can find those hours on our website: www.hotspringshealth-nc.org/our-services.
Mercy Urgent Care
Weaverville, Burnsville, and Patton Avenue – Serving Madison County Residents and Businesses
Receive Care at Mercy Urgent Care during the Covid-19 pandemic: www.mercyurgentcare.org/news/receiving-urgent-care-treatment-at-mercy-during-covid-19-outbreak
Schedule an Urgent Care Telemedicine visit: www.mercyurgentcare.org/telemedicine
Essential Business / Manufacturing Occupational Medicine Support
Onsite services available to support Occupational or Employee Health. For more information, go to www.mercyurgentcare.org/for-employers/mercy-occupational-medicine
For Clinic Hours of Operation, go to www.mercyurgentcare.org
Be Prepared!
Creating a household plan can help protect your health and the health of those you care about in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19 in your area.
Create an emergency contact list. Ensure your household has a current list of emergency contacts for family, friends, neighbors, carpool drivers, health care providers, teachers, employers, the local public health department, and other community resources.
Identify aid organizations in your community. Create a list of local organizations that you and your household can contact in the event you need access to information, health care services, support, and resources. Consider including organizations that provide mental health or counseling services, food, and other supplies.
Discourage children and teens from gathering in other public places while school is dismissed to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in the community.
Use a separate room and bathroom for sick household members (if possible). Learn how to care for someone with COVID-19 at home. Avoid sharing personal items like food and drinks. Provide your sick household member with clean disposable facemasks to wear at home, if available, to help prevent spreading COVID-19 to others. Clean the sick room and bathroom, as needed, to avoid unnecessary contact with the sick person.