Emergency Needs & Information

Clean up efforts in Hot Springs.

If you are not bringing supplies or helping, stop riding around to see the damage. You are causing delays to crews.

Both Marshall and Hot Springs had catastrophic flooding, and the community at large is scrambling to keep each other alive and healthy. Roads must be kept clear!

If you want to help, you can drop supplies off any day between 2-6 p.m. at the Mutual Aid Hub, 1685 Hwy 213 in Marshall, NC, Suite #4.

In Hot Springs, deliver supplies to the elementary school gym, 63 N. Serpentine Ave, Hot Springs, NC 28743.

Items needed:
– Hard hats, sturdy gloves and footwear, protective jumpsuits, shovels, buckets, brooms, masks, goggles, tarps, wipes, sponges
– Fans for airing out spaces after electricity returns.
– Non-perishable food items, paper products.

The best way to offer a direct donation to Hot Springs, NC is through the Friends of Hot Springs Library website, www.friendsofhotspringslibrary.org.

Traffic from nearby interstates is being diverted through Hot Springs, which is hindering cleanup efforts. Please slow down when driving through town.

Madison County Emergency Management needs help to provide meals for the people working. On a daily basis, they need commitments for at least 300 meals to be dropped at the sheriff’s department twice a day. If you can commit, please contact Brittany Hamlin at 828-637-0094 or email bhamlin@madisoncountync.gov.

Free wifi is available from French Broad Electric. There is no password needed. Connect to FBfiber-DiasterRecovery.

StarLink is up in downtown Marshall for cellular phone use.
– WiFi network: Zoomaz
– Password: coffeetogo

Essential items: Food, Water, Formula, Diapers/wipes, Baby food, Feminine hygiene products, Dog & cat food are available at A-B Tech’s Madison campus.