The Madison County Career Center Job Fair will be held at the AB-Tech site (4646 US 25-70 in Marshall) on Friday, October 21, 2016, 8am to 4pm. There will be no charge.
Chairs, tables, and a “lite lunch” will be provided for participating businesses and organizations. RSVP your spot ASAP by calling 828-782-2632. Let us know the number that will be attending for lunch and how many chairs will be needed. Please call or email if you need additional information.
If you are unable to come to the Job Fair, you are welcome to drop off material to be given out at the Job Fair. We want to help connect job seekers with employers!
Please email to reserve a spot or for additional information. Please feel free to call 828-782-2632
Madison County Career Center
Asheville Buncombe Community College
4646 Highway US 25/70
Marshall, North Carolina 28753