SART presents “Working: The Musical”

With music by James Taylor, Wicked’s Stephen Schwartz, Hamilton’s Lin Manuel Miranda, and many others. Working is based on Studs Terkel’s best-selling book of interviews with American workers. Working paints a vivid portrait of the men and women that the world so often takes for granted. Part of the Art of Work/Work of Art creative collaboration. Tickets: $25 and $30.

Catch Working: The Musical on Thursday & Friday, July 12 & 13 at 7:30 p.m., and Saturday & Sunday, July 14 & 15 at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Performances take place at the Owen Theatre on the campus of Mars Hill University in Mars Hill.

On August 2-12 SART will present the professional world premiere of “I-Ya-I-Ya-O.” Directed by SART founder, Jim Thomas, this comedy is based on the lives of three zealous missionary ladies and their goal to ensure the happiness of their niece through the use of colorful schemes. The protagonists are unconventional characters—speaking their minds, performing rituals and conducting secret meetings. During a “truth ceremony,” all parties could only tell the truth, leading to an interesting outcome.

More info at, or call (828) 689-1239. Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre, 44 College St., Mars Hill.